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Time Amplitude industrial

RF range 1MHz - 22GHz 5 Ranges with Autoranging industrial
22GHz Spectrum Analyzer with a large 6.5" CRT display. High precision 5 digit LED center frequency display. RF range GHz .001 - 22. IF Bandwidth KHz .1 - 1000. 5 ranges with autoranging. Scan Mode: manual, single, external, video, line, auto. Scan Width/division
32MHz to 3.2GHz Extended Frequency Module industrial
The HP 3746A Selective Level Measuring Set makes fast, accurate selective level measurements. A built-in synthesizer gives high tuning accuracy and 1 Hz resolution across the entire 50 Hz to 32 MHz frequency range. This H40 Extended Frequency Module extends that range from 32MHz to 3.2GHz. 
10 Megohms to 50 Ohms 5 Hz to 1 MHz industrial
The HP 465A Amplifier is a general purpose amplifier and impedance converter 10 Megohms to 50 Ohms. The 465A has selectable gain of 20 dB or 40 dB stable over a continuous frequency range of 5 Hz to 1 MHz.
0° to 360°, 10 ohms to 100 kohms 500kHz to 108MHz industrial
The HP 4815A RF Vector Impedance Meter provides all the convenience of "probe and read" measurements. In use, the probe is connected directly into the circuit to be evaluated, frequency is selected, and complex impedance is read. This type of measurement allows a straight forward adaptation to various jigs and fixtures for special measurements. Where only component values are to be determined, a quick mount adapter is provided to allow rapid measurements. For critical component applications, the unit to be evaluated may be mounted directly in its working circuit and its value determined in its actual environment, at the frequency of intent. Frequency range: 500kHz to 108MHz in 5 bands ±2% of reading. Impedance magnitude range: 10 ohms to 100 kohms in 9 ranges ±4% full scale. Phase angle range: 0 to 360° in 2 ranges. Phase angle calibration: increment of 2° Analogue outputs for magnitude and phase indications 
5 Markers Save & Recall 9 Settings industrial
8350A Sweep Oscillator Mainframe provides swept and CW frequency functions. Adds five markers with extensive capabilities, versatile data entry and complete HP-IB programmability. Accepts the 86200 (with adapter) and 83500 series of plug-ins for true versatility. The 8350A is shown above with 83525B plug-in. Frequency range is dependent upon plug-in used. Mainframe features also include the ability to save & recall up to 9 different front-panel settings.
100kHz to 110 MHz 2 Input Tracking Receiver industrial
The 8407A Network Analyzer covers the frequency range 100kHz to 110 MHz. This two-input tracking receiver uses both inputs to form their magnitude ratio and phase difference before routing to the display. Accepts 8412B or 8413A display units.
0.11GHz to 18GHz 2 Input Tracking Receiver industrial
The 8410B Network Analyzer covers the frequency range from 0.11GHz to 18GHz when used with 8411A/018 Frequency Converter. This two-input tracking receiver uses both inputs to form their magnitude ratio and phase difference before routing to the display. Accepts 8412B or 8413A display units.
110 MHz to 12.4 GHz Network Analyzer Frequency Converter industrial
8411A Frequency Converter 110 MHz TO 12.4 GHz 
0.11GHz to 18GHz Network Analyzer Frequency Converter industrial
8411A Frequency Converter 110 MHz TO 12.4 GHz. Option 018 Frequency Converter 0.11GHz to 18GHz. 
80 dB ±180° Range. industrial
The 8412B Phase Magnitude Display plug-in is a CRT display for 8410 or 8407A Network Analyzers. Relative amplitude in dB and/or relative phase in degrees between reference and test channel inputs versus frequency. 80 dB and ±180° range.
Phase ±180° Amplitude ±30dB industrial
The 8413A Phase/Gain Indicator plug-in meter display unit, for 8410 Network Analyzer Mainframes, displays relative amplitude in dB or relative phase in degrees between reference and test channels input. Amplitude range is ±30, ±10, ±3 dB full scale, phase range is ±180°, ±60°, ±6° full scale.
2GHz to 18.6GHz 0 to +13 dBm industrial
The 86209B Sweep Oscillator Plug-In is designed for 8620 Series Sweep Oscillators. Provides CW or Continuous Swept 2GHz to 18.6GHz frequency coverage. Power output is calibrated from 0 to +13 dBm in 1 dB increments with ±0.25 dB flatness and excellent linearity (2MHz) over the entire frequency range.
Sweep 10 msec to 100 sec Output: 0 to 10 V industrial
The 8620A Sweep Oscillator Mainframe, with more than 15 solid-state plug-ins available (sold separately), can provide >10 mW of leveled output power from 3 to 18 GHz. Plug-In sweep bandwidths range from 3 to 350MHz to the wide band 2 to 18 GHz module. With appropriate plug-ins, four separate bands and their respective frequency scales can be selected. Start-Stop sweep points may be set from 1% to 100% of band, up or down scale, at sweep rates from 10 msec to 100 sec per sweep. DeltaF sweeps, at the same rates, from 1% or 10% of band may also be made. CW, continuous wave, makes the sweeper a signal generator, which may be modulated, or allows manual sweeps for frequency calibration. Other sweep modes include automatic, manual, externally triggered, single sweep, and remotely programmed. A marker, selected by the CW/Marker control, may be adjusted to any point on the band, and indicated by either amplitude or intensity. Frequency: 3MHz to 18GHz based on RF Plug-In. Sweep functions: Start-Stop, Delta, CW, Remote Programmed. Sweep modes: auto, line, external. Sweep time: 10 msec to 100 sec. Sweep output: direct coupled, 0 to 10 V. Modulation: Internal AM 1 kHz; External FM based on RF unit. Marker: 1 Option 001 = Programmable Source.
Sweep 10 msec to 100 sec Output: 0 to 10 V industrial
The 8620C Sweep Oscillator Mainframe, with more than 15 solid-state plug-ins available (sold separately), can provide >10 mW of leveled output power from 3 to 18 GHz. Plug-In sweep bandwidths range from 3 to 350MHz to the wide band 2 to 18 GHz module. With appropriate plug-ins, four separate bands and their respective frequency scales can be selected. Start-Stop sweep points may be set from 1% to 100% of band, up or down scale, at sweep rates from 10 msec to 100 sec per sweep. DeltaF sweeps, at the same rates, from 1% or 10% of band may also be made. CW, continuous wave, makes the sweeper a signal generator, which may be modulated, or allows manual sweeps for frequency calibration. Other sweep modes include automatic, manual, externally triggered, single sweep, and remotely programmed. A marker, selected by the CW/Marker control, may be adjusted to any point on the band, and indicated by either amplitude or intensity. Frequency: 3MHz to 18GHz based on RF Plug-In. Sweep functions: Start-Stop, Delta, CW, Remote Programmed. Sweep modes: auto, line, external. Sweep time: 10 msec to 100 sec. Sweep output: direct coupled, 0 to 10 V. Modulation: Internal AM 1 kHz; External FM based on RF unit. Marker: 1. Option 001 = Programmable Source.
10MHz to 2.4GHz 0 to +13 dBm industrial
The 86222B Sweep Oscillator Plug-In is designed for 8620 Series Sweep Oscillators. Provides CW or Continuous Swept 10MHz to 2.4GHz frequency coverage. Power output is calibrated from 0 to +13 dBm in 1 dB increments with ±0.25 dB flatness and excellent linearity (2MHz) over the entire frequency range. Offers a crystal marker system that provides comb markers at 1, 10, or 50MHz. Option 002. 70 dB Step Attenuator (10 dB steps).
10kHz to 990MHz -127 dBm to +13 dBm into 50ohms industrial
The 8656A Synthesized Signal Generator provides frequency coverage from 100kHz to 990MHz (with under range to 10kHz). This wide range covers the IF and LO frequencies as well as the RF frequencies of most receivers. It also allows testing in a variety of communication systems including the 800MHz FM mobile band and some telemetry bands. Frequency resolution of 100 or 250Hz allows convenient setting of increments including 6.25kHz channel spacings. Output levels of -127 dBm to +13 dBm. Internal modulation (2 digit display): 400 and 1000Hz, AM, FM or combination. HP-IB Interface. Option 002 = Rear Panel Input and Output 
1MHz to 2600MHz 2Hz resolution industrial
The 86603A RF Section Plug-In covers the frequency range 1 to 2600MHz. 2Hz resolution. RF section for 8660A or 8660C Mainframe. Option 001 = No RF Output Attenuator. Option 002 = Adds Phase Modulation Capability. Option 003 = Allows Operation with 8660A Mainframe 
Keyboard Entry of CW Frequencies AM, FM, FM, or Pulse Modulation industrial
The 8660C Synthesized Signal Generator mainframe utilizes a wide range of available plug-ins to make up a complete Signal Generator System. Offers direct keyboard entry of CW frequencies. Increased performance capabilities over the 8660A including digital sweep, frequency stepping, control of frequency with a tuning knob, and a ten-digit numerical display. Auto, Single, or manual digital sweep with selectable speeds of 0.1, 1, or 50 seconds. Direct keyboard entry of CW output frequencies. 10kHz to 2600MHz (plug-in dependent). Synthesizer stability and accuracy. 1Hz resolution (2Hz above 1300MHz). Calibrated output over >140 dB range. AM, FM, FM, or Pulse Modulation. Fully TTL programmable. Option 001 = ±3 x 10E-9/day internal reference oscillator. Option 003 = Operation from 50 to 400Hz line. Option 005 = HP-IB programming interface (cables not supplied).
External AM and Pulse modulation 50-ohms (Pulse) and 600-ohms (AM) industrial
The 86631B Auxiliary Section Plug-In provides both external AM and Pulse modulation for both the 8660 Series mainframes. This plug-in must be used when another modulation section is not installed. The input impedance is 50-ohms (Pulse) and 600-ohms (AM).
2 to 12.4GHz Impedance: 50-ohms industrial
The 8743B Reflection Transmission Test Unit is a wideband RF power splitter and reflectometer with calibrated line stretcher. Pushbutton operated for either transmission or reflection measurement with network analyzer. Designed for use with the 11610B Test Port Extension Cable. Frequency range: 2 to 12.4GHz. Impedance: 50-ohms. Source reflection coefficient: < 0.09, 2.0 to 8.0GHz; < 0.13, 8.0 to 12.4GHz. Connectors: RF input, type N(F), all other connectors APC-7. Remote programming: ground closure.
2 to 12.4GHz Impedance: 50-ohms industrial
The 8901A Modulation Analyzer combines the capabilities of several RF instruments to give complete, accurate characterization of modulated signals in the 150 kHz-1300 MHz frequency range. Measures AM and FM with 1% accuracy. Measures RF frequency and RF power (1 mW to 1 W). Completely automatic. Low internal noise. Option 002 1x10E-09/day Internal Reference. Option 003 Connections for External Local Oscillator. Option 004 Operation from 48 to 440Hz power (Temp. <40°C). Option 010 AM and FM Calibrators.
Horizontal 10-20Vpp Vertical +10dbm to -30 dbm industrial
The Pacific Measurements 1038H13 Horizontal Plug-In provides the 1038 Swept Measurement System with sweep drive, memory address circuits and ratio channel. Horizontal input 10-20V pp. Vertical Reference channel rang from +10dbm to -30 dbm. 
256 Point Memory Log Amp, Signal Conditioning industrial
The 1038V11 Vertical Plug-In provides the 1038 Swept Measurement System with log amp, signal conditioning and 256 point memory.
Independently Adjustable Start-Stop Sweep CW Operation industrial
The 610D Sweep Generator Mainframe provides the frequency range is 100kHz to 40GHz (dependent on plug-in used). Features Start-Stop sweep from F1 to F2 both independently adjustable over full range; Delta F sweep width adjustable width , 0 to 10% of band (±10% accuracy); CW Operation (F1, F2, or variable marker settings). Remote sweep which permits sweeping with external voltage or programming sweep Delta F and center frequency with external resistors or voltages. Sweep time is continuously adjustable in four decade ranges; 0.01 to 100 sweeps/S. Sweep modes: Auto, Line synchronous, Manual, or Triggered. 1 V/GHz output reference voltage. 
4.2GHz 10 mW industrial
6213D Sweep Generator Plugin 10MHz to 4.2GHz. Provides a power output of 10 mW (+10 dBm) and has internal leveling. Option 1 = Crystal-Controlled Frequency Marker Comb. Option 2C = RF Detector, 50 ohm, Type N female. Option 2D = RF Detector, 75 ohm, Type N female. Option 4 = Preset Frequencies enabling the setting of up to three output center frequencies and sweep widths on front option panel. Option 7 = External Leveling Input on rear panel in parallel with front panel connector. Option 8 = Variable Marker Out on rear panel providing pulse coincident with variable frequency marker. Option 11 = Three additional variable markers. Option 14 = External RF Marker Input on rear panel accepting 1MHz to 1GHz signal to produce a frequency marker. Option 16 = IEEE-488 General Purpose Interface Bus. Option 21 = 75 ohm Output Impedance for 6104C. Option 28 = Phase Lock Capability.