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4Hz to 2MHz 20 V P-P or 5VRMS into 600-ohms industrial
The HP 209A Oscillator is a small, lightweight, sine/square oscillator. Stable, accurate signals which can be synchronized with an external source are instantly available over a frequency range from 4Hz to 2MHz. Separate adjustable sine/square outputs are located on the front-panel. Distortion and flatness can be minimized at low frequencies by a rear-panel Low Distortion Mode switch. Sine wave output of 5 VRMS into (600-ohms) Square wave output of 20 V (p-p) into 600-ohms.
10MHz - 520MHz External Modulation AM/CW and Pulse industrial
The HP 3200B oscillator is a small, lightweight, sine wave oscillator. Stable, accurate signals which can be modulated with an external source are instantly available over a frequency range from 10 - 520 MHz. 10 - 520 MHz. in 6 bands. Accuracy +/- 2%. External Modulation input available in AM/CW and Pulse.
0.0001Hz to 5MHz 7.5 V P-P into 50 ohms industrial
The HP 3310B Function Generator is a small, lightweight, function generator. Stable, accurate signals which can be synchronized with an external source are instantly available over a frequency range from 0.0001 Hz to 5 MHz. Separate adjustable LOW/HIGH outputs are located on the front-panel. 0.0001 Hz to 5 MHz. 7.5 V p-p into 50 ohms. DC offset.
1µHz to 21MHz (sine), 11MHz (square), and 11kHz (triangle, ramps) 1 mV to 10 V P-P into 50-ohms industrial
The HP 3325A Synthesizer / Function Generator is a versatile and precision synthesizer providing frequencies from 1µHz to 21MHz (sine), 11MHz (square), and 11kHz (triangle, ramps). Frequency resolution to 1µHz below 100kHz and 1MHz above 100kHz are provided by the 11-digit display. Excellent choice for ATE Systems, completely HP-IB programmable. Options Include: Option 001 = High Stability Freq Reference, Option 002 = High Voltage Output. The 3325A includes a log/linear sweep function with variable sweep time and marker out, external AM and phase modulation, and variable phase offset when connected to another 3325A. Ten storage registers allow one to quickly change front-panel setups. Output is rated at 1 mV to 10 V P-P into 50-ohms. Frequency stability for the basic unit is an aging rate of ±5x10E-06/year.
Number of steps: 10, 100, or 1000. Time per step: 1, 3, 10, 30, 100, 300, 1000, and 3000 ms. industrial
The HP 3330B Automatic Synthesizer has the capability to digitally sweep frequency and amplitude. Offers a frequency stability of ±1x10E+08/day, -50 dB signal to phase noise with a constant resolution of 0.1Hz to 13MHz. Amplitude range from +13.44 dBm to -86.55 dBm in to 50-ohms, resolution of 0.01 dB. Harmonic distortion, with full output amplitude, is -60 dB (5Hz to 100kHz), -50 dB (100kHz to 1MHz), and -40 dB (1MHz to 13MHz). 100 mV rms/50 ohms Tracking Output (20 to 33MHz ). 1MHz Reference Output 220 mV rms/50 ohms (0 dBm/50 ohms). Step size is continuously adjustable in 0.1Hz increments. Number of steps: 10, 100, or 1000. Time per step: 1, 3, 10, 30, 100, 300, 1000, and 3000 ms. Sweeps up, down, or both. 
10Hz to 10MHz 3.16 Volts into 50 or 600ohms industrial
The HP 651B Oscillator is a sine wave oscillator. Stable, accurate signals which can be synchronized with an external source are instantly available over a frequency range from 10Hz to 10MHz. Covers 10Hz to 10MHz with flat response and low distortion. Output 3.16 volts into 50 or 600Ohms. Calibrated attenuator -70dBm to +23dBm. Metered output provides amplitude indication in dBm and Vrms scales. 
10Hz to 10MHz +11 dBm to -90 dBm into 50, 75, 135, 150, or 600 ohm industrial
The HP 654A Oscillator is a sine wave oscillator. Stable, accurate signals which can be synchronized with an external source are instantly available over a frequency range from 10Hz to 10MHz. Covers 10Hz to 10MHz in six bands with amplitude flatness of ±0 .5%. Output levels from +11 dBm to -90 dBm, 10 dB and l dB steps. Output impedance is 50ohm and 75ohm unbalanced, 135 ohm, 150 ohm, and 600 ohm balanced. 
Pulse Width: 25nS to 3 S 300mV to 10Vpp industrial
The HP 8005A Pulse generator. Triple output, also includes a TTL output. Transition times: < 10nS to 2 S. Pulse Width: < 25nS to 3 s. Square wave: 0.15Hz to 10MHz. Amplitude: 300mV to 10Vpp. Repetition rate: 0.3Hz to 20 MHz. 
10MHz to 8.4GHz 20 mW Output Power industrial
The 83525A RF Sweeper Plug-In has a frequency range of 0.01 to 8.4GHz, a leveled power output of 20 mW and a frequency accuracy of ±12MHz. It is designed for the 8350A/B.
Test Shielding Efectiveness of Small Enclosures to 5 GHz Comb Frequency Outputs: 1, 10, and 100 MHz industrial
Generates a comb of closely spaced, coherent unmodulated carriers used for measuring: Shielding effectiveness of small enclosures. As a reference source for radiated measurement systems. Long term performance monitoring. Investigation of measurement system. Comb frequency outputs: 1, 10, and 100 MHz increments, useable to 5 GHz. 
800MHz to 2400MHz +10 dBm to -127 dBm into 50ohms industrial
The 8614A Signal Generator provides stable, accurate signals from 800 to 2400MHz with selectable functions including CW, leveled output, square-wave modulation, and external AM, FM, and pulse modulation. When needed, modulation can be accomplished simultaneously with or without leveling. RF output power of +10 dBm to -127 dBm into a 50-ohm load is available plus a second uncalibrated output (approx. -3 dBm) is provided on front-panel. Both frequency and attenuation are set on direct-reading digital dials offering simple setup and operator convenience. Option 001 = External modulation input connectors on rear panel in parallel with front-panel connectors. RF connectors on rear panel only. 
7KHz to 70MHz +20 dBm to -90 dBm into 50ohms industrial
8651A Oscillator is a sine wave oscillator. Stable, accurate signals which can be synchronized with an external source are instantly available over a frequency range from 7KHz to 70MHz. Output levels are metered on the front panel. Meter scale is in dBm and Vrms. Covers 7KHz to 70MHz in seven bands with amplitude flatness of ±0 .5%. Output levels from +20 dBm to -90 dBm, in seven 10 dB steps. Output impedance is 50ohm.
0.002Hz to 20MHz 20 Vp-p into 50-ohms industrial
The FG5010 Function Generator is designed to operate in a TM 5000-Series Power Module. The unit covers the frequency range from 0.002Hz to 20MHz while offering an output to 20 Vp-p from 50-ohms. Available waveforms include sine, square, triangle, pulse, and ramp with 10 ns rise/fall time. Features 10 to 90% variable symmetry in 1% steps. It also provides trigger, gate, counted burst, AM, FM, and VCF modes. This unit is easy to use via the front panel or programmed via the IEEE-488 interface Frequency Range: 0.002Hz-20MHz. Output: 20 Vp-p into 50-ohms. Available waveforms: Sine, square, triangle, pulse, and ramp with 10 ns rise/fall time. Variable Symmetry: 10 to 90% in 1% steps. Modes: Trigger, gate, counted burst, AM, FM, and VCF. Program: Front panel or IEEE-488 interface.
250MHz to 10Hz 5V Output +/-5V industrial
The PG502 features fast rise and fall times, independent top and bottom pulse levels, and adjustable pulse duration. The fast rep rate makes the instrument ideal for design and testing of fast logic and switching circuits. 250MHz to 10Hz. 1ns Rise Time. 5V Output +/-5V Window. Independent pulse top and pulse bottom level controls. Selectable Internal Reverse Termination. Manual Trigger button. Optional Rise Time Limiter.
250kHz to 250MHz 5mV to 5.5Vpp into 50ohms industrial
The SG503 Leveled Sinewave Generator provides a bandwidths of 250kHz to 250MHz. The selected frequency is indicated by a built in autoranging frequency counter with a three digit LED readout on the front panel. Accurately calibrated output voltage is variable from 5mV to 5.5V peak to peak into 50ohms. Frequency Accuracy: Within +/-0.7 of one count of the least significant digit. Amplitude Range: 5mV to 5.5Vpp into 50ohms. Harmonic Content: Second Harmonic 35dB down. Third and all higher harmonics 40dB down.
1 ns to 5 sec 2-digit LED display industrial
The TG501 Time Mark Generator provides marker outputs from 1 ns to 5 sec. A unique feature of the TG501 is a variable timing output with a front panel 2-digit LED display. The display indicates percentage of timing error between the normal time interval and a variable interval that lines up the marker pulse with graticule or division marks on the display. This feature not only provides direct readout in terms of percent error, but also helps eliminate errors associated with visually estimating error from a display. Markers: 1ns-5s. Marker Amplitude: >1Vpeak into 50ohms 10ns-5s. >750mVp into 50ohms 2ns &2ns. >200mVp into 50ohms 1ns. Trigger output signal: Slaved to maker ouput from 100ns-5s. Remains at 100ns for all faster markers. Internal Time Base: Crystal 5MHz. Stability 1part or less in 107 per month. Timing error readout range: 7.5%. Timing error accuracy: indicated to within one least significant digit. 
0.001Hz to 10MHz Sine, triangle, square and pulse Output Pwr dBm. -60 to 0 into 50Ω industrial
Signal Generator. Sine, triangle, square and pulse. DC offset and VCG inputs available. Sync output. and standard output into 50ohms. Frequency Hz. .001 to 10MHz. Output Pwr dBm. -60 to 0