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Independently Adjustable Start-Stop Sweep CW Operation industrial
The 610D Sweep Generator Mainframe provides the frequency range is 100kHz to 40GHz (dependent on plug-in used). Features Start-Stop sweep from F1 to F2 both independently adjustable over full range; Delta F sweep width adjustable width , 0 to 10% of band (±10% accuracy); CW Operation (F1, F2, or variable marker settings). Remote sweep which permits sweeping with external voltage or programming sweep Delta F and center frequency with external resistors or voltages. Sweep time is continuously adjustable in four decade ranges; 0.01 to 100 sweeps/S. Sweep modes: Auto, Line synchronous, Manual, or Triggered. 1 V/GHz output reference voltage. 
4.2GHz 10 mW industrial
6213D Sweep Generator Plugin 10MHz to 4.2GHz. Provides a power output of 10 mW (+10 dBm) and has internal leveling. Option 1 = Crystal-Controlled Frequency Marker Comb. Option 2C = RF Detector, 50 ohm, Type N female. Option 2D = RF Detector, 75 ohm, Type N female. Option 4 = Preset Frequencies enabling the setting of up to three output center frequencies and sweep widths on front option panel. Option 7 = External Leveling Input on rear panel in parallel with front panel connector. Option 8 = Variable Marker Out on rear panel providing pulse coincident with variable frequency marker. Option 11 = Three additional variable markers. Option 14 = External RF Marker Input on rear panel accepting 1MHz to 1GHz signal to produce a frequency marker. Option 16 = IEEE-488 General Purpose Interface Bus. Option 21 = 75 ohm Output Impedance for 6104C. Option 28 = Phase Lock Capability.
18GHz 10 mW industrial
6237D SWEEP GENERATOR 2 to 18GHz Plug-in. Option 2C = RF Detector, 50 ohm, Type N female. Option 2D = RF Detector, 75 ohm, Type N female. Option 4 = Preset Frequencies enabling the setting of up to three output center frequencies and sweep widths on front option panel. Option 7 = External Leveling Input on rear panel in parallel with front panel connector. Option 8 = Variable Marker Out on rear panel providing pulse coincident with variable frequency marker. Option 11 = Three additional variable markers. Option 14 = External RF Marker Input on rear panel accepting 1MHz to 1GHz signal to produce a frequency marker. Option 16 = IEEE-488 General Purpose Interface Bus. Option 21 = 75 ohm Output Impedance for 6104C. Option 28 = Phase Lock Capability