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10Hz to 18.0GHz 12-digit LED Display industrial
Frequency in the range of 10Hz to 18.0GHz is read directly from a 12-digit LED display which is sectionalized into GHz, MHz, kHz and Hz making it easy to make measurements quickly and accurately. Band 1 is from 10Hz to 100MHz (sensitivity of 25 mV rms) with 1Mohm impedance (BNC). Band 2 is from 10MHz to 1.0GHz (sensitivity of -20 dBm) with 50-ohms impedance (BNC). Band 3 is from 1.0GHz to 18.0GHz (sensitivity: -30 dBm from 1.0GHz to 12.4GHz; -25 dBm from 12.4GHz to 18.0GHz) with 50-ohms impedance (TYPE N). Time base crystal frequency is 10MHz with an aging rate of <3 x 10-E07/month, 10MHz square wave (1 V p-p minimum into 50-ohms) output is available. Overall accuracy is ±(1 count + time base error). Other features include: Test function (allows for front-panel diagnostics), Sample Rate control (variable from 100 ms to 10 sec), Reset control (resets display to zero and initiates new reading). 
0.1Hz to 100MHz 8-Digits Resolution industrial
The HP 5315A Universal Counter measures signals over 0.1Hz to 100MHz range. Measurement Period: 10 ns to 105 Sec. Time Interval: 100 ns to 105 Sec. Time Interval Average: 0 ns to 105 Sec. Time Interval Delay: holdoff, variable delay of nominally 500 µs to 20 ms between START (channel A) and STOP (channel B). And Ratio: 0.1Hz to 100MHz, both channels. A totalize function with manual or external gating is also provided. All measurements, except totalize, have up to 8-digits resolution. Two channels provide time interval measurements. Includes: Option 001 = TCXO Timebase. 
0.1Hz to 100MHz 8-Digits Resolution industrial
The HP 5315B Universal Counter measures signals over 0.1Hz to 100MHz range. Measurement Period: 10 ns to 105 Sec. Time Interval: 100 ns to 105 Sec. Time Interval Average: 0 ns to 105 Sec. Time Interval Delay: holdoff, variable delay of nominally 500 µs to 20 ms between START (channel A) and STOP (channel B). And Ratio: 0.1Hz to 100MHz, both channels. A totalize function with manual or external gating is also provided. All measurements, except totalize, have up to 8-digits resolution. Two channels provide time interval measurements. Includes: Option 001 = TCXO Timebase.
0.1Hz to 1.3GHz 9-Digits Resolution industrial
The HP 5328A Universal Counter makes frequency, period, multiple point average, time interval, time interval average, totalize, ratio, voltage and electronically controlled totalize measurements. Burst and CW measurements to 100MHz. Resolution of 100 ns single shot time interval measurements. Time interval averaging has a resolution better than 10 ps for repetitive time intervals as short as 100 ps. Marker outputs (operational to 100MHz) shows real time triggering for use with oscilloscope monitoring. Timebase is 10MHz with stability <3x10E-07 per month. 9-digit display with 9th digit used only with channel C functions and zero suppression to left of reading. Switchable x1 and x10 attenuators for each of the two inputs. Options: Option 010 = High Stability Time Base. Option 011 = HP-IB Interface. Option 020 = DVM. Option 021 = High Performance DVM. Option 030 = 512MHz Channel C. Option 031 = 1300MHz Channel C. Option 040 = High Performance Universal Module. Option 041 = Programmable Input Controls Module (requires Option 011 for HPIB use).
Digital delays of 0 to 160 ms Width 5 ns to 160 ms industrial
The HP 5359A Time Synthesizer hi-resolution time synthesizer for calibration and precise generation of delayed sweeps and the control of external frequency counter gates. Digital delays of 0 - 160 ms. Delay increments 50 ps. Width 5 ns to 160 ms. HPIB interface. Jitter < 100 ps. Automatic Calibration.
8000 Measurements / second 11-Digits Resolution industrial
The HP 5370A 100MHz Universal Time Interval Counter. High-precision, time-interval measurements at up to 8000 measurements per second. Built-in statistics functions. Programmable over the HP-IB interface or easy setup via the logically-designed front panel. Time Interval: 20 ps single shot LSD, time intervals from 0 to 10 s, including negative time. Frequency: up to 100MHz with 11-digits of resolution in one second, gate times down to one period. Sensitivity of 100 mV p-p, 35 mV rms sine wave x attenuator setting. Computes Mean, Standard Deviation, Minimum, and Maximum. 
20Hz to 26GHz Large 10 digit LED display industrial
Unit features 3 independent selectable inputs with appropriate bandpass filtering. BNC input A = 20Hz to 100MHz. BNC input B = 100MHz to 512MHz. SMA input C = .5GHz to 26GHz. Large 10 digit LED display with selectable resolutions of: 10kHz, 1kHz, 100Hz, 10Hz, 1Hz. 20Hz to 26GHz. Sensitivity -30dBm. 1 Watt input overload. Dynamic Range 50dB. Acquisition time 1Hz per 1sec. Time base 1 part per million/per year. 
135MHz 2 Channel A/B industrial
The DC5009 Programmable Universal Counter / Timer provides 135MHz in both A and B Channels. The powerful reciprocal frequency measurement technique allows up to eight digits of resolution in less than 1 second. 135MHz Both A & B Channels. 10ns Single Shot Resolution. 8 Digit Display. 5ps Resolution with Averaging. Reciprocal-Frequency measurement. Auto or selected averaging to 108 in all modes. Duty cycle independent autotrigger. Probe compensation. High stability oven time base.
DC to 100MHz 5mV to 5.5Vpp into 50ohms industrial
Measures frequency from dc to 100MHz with an internal prescaler being used for frequencies above 10MHz. Autoranging permits virtual hands off operation for most measurements. The 100x resolution multiplier automatically provides 0.01Hz resolution in one second or 0.001Hz resolution in ten seconds. The DC 504 features period and width averaging of up to 1000 events. Selectable dc coupling of the input eliminates the potential errors associated with making width measurements on signals of varying duty cycle with counters that are only ac coupled. DC to 100MHz. Period and Period Averaging. Width and Width Averaging. Autoranging. 100X Resolution Multiplier.