Test Electronics
Rand R&D Clamshell - Modular Design & Modular Design
All Bed of Nails Testers
Low Cost Industrial Standard
Press down rods are the old reliable industrial standard. Used successfully for many years, withstands the test of time, and are a low cost solution for larger simple boards with less dense component layouts. 
High Accessibility High component densities
Edge Press Technology provides high access to the top side of the board for troubleshooting, making adjustments and visual monitoring. Edge press is required where high component densities limit press down rod access. Edge press technology provides low board flex required by large high density component packages.
Medium Accessibility Required if component changes are predicted
Adjustable press plates provide access to the top side of the board for troubleshooting, making adjustments, and visual monitoring. Adjustable press down rods placement is required when you know there are going to be component changes in the future.