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Box Prober Fixtureduino 5 sided
Box Prober Arduino based bed of nails circuit board test fixture. Uses Seeeduino mega microcontroller board Bluetooth enabled for controlling with Android tablet PC for touch screen capability. Also includes IR remote controller. Demonstrates the foldout side panel feature which provides quick internal access for calibration and fixture updates.
Demonstrates Android Bluetooth connectability
Test Electronics Box Prober with Fixtureduino Insert and Bluetooth enabled. Demonstrates connectivity to an Android based tablet PC for touch screen capability and extended control features for troubleshooting.
Aligning and Verifing alignment and lubricating
How to properly maintain a double sided prober style test fixture.
Changing plates
How to change plates and align the prober test fixture
Aligning and Verifing alignment and lubricating
How to align a prober double sided test fixture
Disassembly and alignment
How to disassemble and align the smallest 06x08 Prober Test fixture
Disassembly and alignment
How to disassemble and align the smallest 06x08 Prober Test fixture with an RFshield
Disassembly modification and reassembly
How to disassemble and reassemble the Rand 08X15 modular test fixture and shows the various fixture types that are available.
Disassembly modification and reassembly
How to disassemble and reassemble the Rand 08X15 modular test fixture