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42" long Coaxially Shielded industrial
Tektronix 067-0616-00 Calibration Fixture Flexible Plugh-in Extender. Allows user to calibrate and repair plug-ins outside of the TM500 series main frames. Total Length 42" long. High speed lines are coaxially shielded. Heavier gage wire is used for power and ground pins. 
12-Bit Resolution to 50uV 100mV, 1V, 10V, 100V industrial
The 50M10 Analog Measurement Card (A/D Converter) is able to measure analog voltage in four ranges: 100mV, 1V, 10V, 100V. Unlike traditional integrating digital millimeters, the 50M10's short 400nsec aperture time enables the measurement of voltages which hold their value for short time intervals. A Guard signal at the input connector can drive guard conductors adjacent to the input signal conductor. TTL compatible front panel control lines permit the 50M10 conversions to be triggered or gated. Conversion Results Available over GPIB or Front-Panel Connector. Amplifier Settling Time: 100mV Range:<150us. 1V Range: <25us. 10V Range: <10us. 100V Range: <30us. Maximum Aperture Time: 400ns. Input Impedance: 100mV-10V Range: >10^10ohms. 100V Range: 1Mohm. Digital Data Transfer Format: 12-bit word transferred in two bytes. Common Mode Rejectn Ratio: 1ohm in low lead 100dB. 1kohm in low lead 80dB. Guard Output Resistance: Typically 870ohm. 12-Bit Resolution to 50uV. Up to 100 dB CMRR @ 60 Hz. 250 V RMS Isolation. Built-in Track-and-Hold Amplifier. 32 us Conversion Time.
12-Bit Resolution ±10 V or ±20 mA Current Mode industrial
The 50M20 Converts digital data to ground isolated analog voltage or current selectable via an on-board switch. The floating output pair can set voltage or current bias points or simulate switch thresholds in precision analog circuits. TTL compatible lines at the front panel connector are provided to control conversion timing with an external system. 12-Bit Resolution. 250 V AMS Isolation. ±10 V Voltage Mode. ±20 mA Current Mode. Data Transfer via GPIB or Front-Panel Connector. 
16-Bit I/O +5 V or +15 Vmax External, Sink 40mA industrial
The 50M30 Digital Input/Output card provides 16 digital input and 16 digital output lines. The inputs accept data from switches, contact closures, and digital devices capable of supplying TTL output levels. The digital outputs provide TTL levels to control instruments, relays, indicators, etc.. The digital outputs can be configured for open-collector outputs by positioning internal jumpers. TTL compatible handshake lines at the front-panel connector allow synchronization data-transfers. Data Outputs: 16 open-collector TTL (type 7406) with 2 kohm pull ups to internal +5 V or user supplied supply (15 V max). Logical "0" sink current up to 40mA for output of <0.7 V. Data Input Buffers: 16 LSTTL Schmitt triggers (type 74LS14). 16 Input and 16 Output Lines.
Mercury Wetted Reed 40VDC, 1A industrial
The 50M40 provides 16 independent, normally open relay contacts. The relay contacts can be used as switch closures to supply power to several external points from one source, or scan several sources and supply various inputs to a single measurement device. The desired relay configuration is set by internal jumpers. Three possible configurations include: 4 groups: 1 of 4 relays each. 2 groups: 1 of 8 relays each. 1 group: 1 of 16 relays. The relay scanning sequence, open and close operations, and triggering events are programmed thru the Ml 5010's GPIB interface. TTL compatible logic signals on the front-panel connector are provided for externally controlling the 50M40. Insertion Loss: <0.3dB to 1MHz. Pull In and Release Time: 3ms nominal. Maximum Applied Voltage: 40Vdc plus peak ac. Maximum Carry Current: 1A. Breakdown Voltage: 100Vdc plus peak ac. Contact Resistance: 0.15ohm nominal (end of life). 16 Mercury-Wetted Reed Relay Contacts. Configurable as I, 2, or 4 Independent Groups.
16-bit I/O port 10mA Source, 20 mA Sink industrial
The 50M50 16K-byle digital input buffer can be configured, under program control as a single 16-bit I/O port or as two 8-bit I/O ports. The buffer can be segmented to allow rapid switching between buffers relieving the controller of loading or dumping the buffer between test steps. The 50M50 is intended to be used as a digital-word generator and/or as a digital-data acquisition buffer. For example, digital initialization sequences are often required to place a unit under test into a known operating mode. Different sequences including required control and strobe lines can be embedded in different memory segments. Once the different patterns are loaded, the controller can jump between required output sequences without time-consuming reloading operations. When driven by an external clock the 50M50 can simulate state sequencing in a digital subsystem. As a word generator, it can be used with a D/A converter (50M20) to function as a waveform generator. Conversely, it can be used with an A/D converter (50M10) to function as a waveform digitizer. The 50M50 can transfer data on its two channels simultaneously. TTL compatible handshake lines permit synchronization with the users system. Data Outputs: 8 or 16 LSTTL (type 74LS646) lines. Logical "1" 2V at 10mA source current. Logical "0": <0.5 V at 20 mA sink current. Data Inputs: 8 or 16 LSTTL (type 74LS646) lines. Maximum Data-Transfer Rate: 8-Bit Transfers=200 kHz. 16-Bit Transfers: >120 kHz. 16K-byte Segmentable. Digital Input/Output. TTL Pattern Generation or Acquisition. Repeat Mode for Continuous Output. Single 16-Bit or Dual 8-Bit Channels.
Breadboard a GPIB Interface Specialized Function Card industrial
The 50M70 provides the means of developing (breadboarding) a unique circuit and interfacing it to the GPIB without the need for designing the GPIB interface. With the 50M70, the user can create a specialized function card to be used in the MI 5010 System from the component level! 50M70 development card shown with 50 conductor ribbon cable attached. Ribbon cable is supplied with each function card. The 50M70 contains two 16-bit interface-logic registers (type 68B21 PIAs) with a high level language interface into (be Ml 5010 GPIB system. A 4x4 inch breadboard area with power supplies permits circuit development. Typical 50M70 applications include analog and digital signal processors, timing. triggering and protocol generators, and keyboard and display emulators. The 50M70 is an ideal tool for developing ATE Automatic Test Equipment. Combine your own custom design with the power of off the shelf precision measuring test equipment plugins, A/D, D/A, relay multiplexing, and data I/O, and the possibilities are endless. Easy to program GPIB control commands configuration and I/O: Byte-wide outputs are made with "DATA (num)" commands. Inputs are made with DATA? queries. DC Voltage Sources Available on the Card: +26V and -26V±9% 100mA maximum. +8V±5% 600mA maximum. +5V ±5% 1.5A maximum. Total Combined Power Limit: 7.5W. 32 Data I/O Pods. Simple Interface to GPIB. Vector Board Development Area. +5V and Dual Analog Supplies. 1MHz crystal Clock Signal.
ATE Automatic Test Equipment Data Acquisition and Generation industrial
The MI 5010 Multifunction interface system consists of the MI 5010 Multifunction Interface, and six different function cards. These cards are capable of a variety of functions typically required in ATE Automatic Test Equipment, and functional testing system interfacing, data acquisition and generation, and process control. MI 5010 shown with side panel removed. In addition to providing power to function, the MI 5010 has sequencing capability, time of day clock, command buffer, and self diagnostics. The MI 5010 houses up to three function cards, in any combination. The MI 5010 provides the communication between cards and the system controller such as the Tektronix PEP 301 or the 2402 TekMate. The MX 5010 extends the M1 5010 control to six function cards at one GPIB address. Easy GPIB programming is done in simple English. For example, "VOLT 1.25" sent to the Programmable voltage Source Card generates 1.25 volts across the 50M20's output pair. Similarly, "VOLT?" sent to the Analog Measurement card queries the 50M10 for the value of the last measurement. In addition to providing the Interface between the function cards and the system controller, the MI 5010 has a built-in command buffer. This buffer is capable of storing up to 300 system commands and executing them in sequence. These comands can be triggered by the on-board time of day, the internal clock, or signals from the system controller. This frees the controller to direct activity elsewhere in the system. Simple English Programming example: With an active 50M20 voltage source card, the following sequence of Simple English commands are sent to the MI 5010 buffer: BUFFER ON. VOLT 1.25. WAIT 2. VOLT -1.25. WAIT 8. EXECUTE 100. This EXECUTES 100 cycles of a signal toggling between 1.25 and -1.25 Volts with a duty cycle of about 20% and a period of about 1 second. The MI 5010 system also supports tightly coupled test sequencing to optimize measurement throughput. TTL compatible "Ready" and "Done" handshaking signals can be enabled to step test sequences with minimal dead time and without time consuming controller intervention in multi instrument configurations. Cards rapidly slide in and out of the MI 5010 system for a fast flexible approach to test. Alternatively, for dedicated applications, card configuration can be secured in the MI 5010 with rear locking screws. Programmable Stimulus and Measurement System. Controller-Free Test Sequencing using Internal Command Buffer. Analog and Digital lnput Output.
6 Cards at one GPIB Rack and Stack industrial
The MX5010 is only needed if you wish to extend the MI5010 control to six function cards at one GPIB address. The MX5010 is shown above on the right. The MX5010 plugs into the side of the MI5010 with flex cable as shown above. Both units then plug into the TM5000 series mainframes as shown below. Total space used in the mainframe will be 4 positions. All cards shown above, MI5010 plugin, and mainframe shown below are sold separately. Cards rapidly slide in and out of the MI5010 and MX5010 system for a fast flexible approach to test. Alternatively, for dedicated applications, card configuration can be secured in the MI5010 and MX5010 with rear locking screws. Cards are programmable by GPIB or front panel connector. Rack and stack this and develop as large and complex of a test system as you need. Fabrication is simple using all off the shelf components. Maintenance is not an issue when using readily available precision measuring equipment plugins supported by calibration labs around the word. 
Benchtop Accepts 500 and 5000 Plugins industrial
The TM5006 Power Module Mainframe provides all power required for up to 6 single slot plug-ins. The TM5000 series mainframes are the IEEE-488 controllable versions of the TM500 series mainframes. The TM5000 series mainframe will accept both 5000-Series (IEEE-488 programmable) and 500-Series plug-ins. A wide variety of available plug-ins include signal generators, power supplies, oscilloscopes, counters, DMM's, etc. Forced-air cooling is standard. Available in both rack and bechtop versions. Build your own IEEE-488 Custom Test Equipment from the component level up! The 50M70 Developers card provides a complete 32 Data I/O interface to a breadboard on which you can solder or wire wrap you own circuit design. Combine this with the 50M40 relay scanner to multiplex inputs and outputs and a 50M30 digital I/O card which accepts data from pushbutton switches to quickly build your own tester by efficiently leveraging off all these readily available off the shelf products. Next build even more by plugging in any of the wide variety of industrial standard plug-ins including signal generators, power supplies, oscilloscopes, counters, DMM's, etc. Using these techniques you can quickly and easily build IEEE-488 based Automatic Test Equipment tailor made for your testing needs. To top it all off, this Tektronix plug-in module based industrial standard precision test equipment is fully supported by most local calibration laboratories around the world.
Rackmount Accepts 500 and 5000 Plugins industrial
The TM5006 Power Module Mainframe provides all power required for up to 6 single slot plug-ins. The TM5000 series mainframes are the IEEE-488 controllable versions of the TM500 series mainframes. The TM5000 series mainframe will accept both 5000-Series (IEEE-488 programmable) and 500-Series plug-ins. A wide variety of available plug-ins include signal generators, power supplies, oscilloscopes, counters, DMM's, etc. Forced-air cooling is standard. Available in both rack and bechtop versions. Build your own IEEE-488 Custom Test Equipment from the component level up! The 50M70 Developers card provides a complete 32 Data I/O interface to a breadboard on which you can solder or wire wrap you own circuit design. Combine this with the 50M40 relay scanner to multiplex inputs and outputs and a 50M30 digital I/O card which accepts data from pushbutton switches to quickly build your own tester by efficiently leveraging off all these readily available off the shelf products. Next build even more by plugging in any of the wide variety of industrial standard plug-ins including signal generators, power supplies, oscilloscopes, counters, DMM's, etc. Using these techniques you can quickly and easily build IEEE-488 based Automatic Test Equipment tailor made for your testing needs. To top it all off, this Tektronix plug-in module based industrial standard precision test equipment is fully supported by most local calibration laboratories around the world. Option 10 = Rackmount.
3 Instruments Mainframe industrial
The TM503 Modular Instrument Mainframe is a three slot mainframe designed to hold and provide power for the TM 500-Series of modular instruments. Up to three single width modules can be plugged in to the TM503. (Modules sold separately). Each mainframe comes equipped with front panel switch, tilt bail, and a handle. The right hand compartment is a high-power compartment. Plug-ins sold separately. The TM 500-Series of plug-ins includes oscilloscopes, function generators, scope calibration equipment, DMM's, counters and power supplies. Also choose from pulse generators, operational amplifiers, bandpass filters, and current probe amplifiers. You may be able to fit every instrument you'll need into one small mainframe. Plug-ins sold separately. Option 02 = Rear Interface. 
4 Instruments Mainframe industrial
The TM504 Modular Instrument Mainframe is a four slot mainframe designed to hold and provide power for the TM 500-Series of modular instruments. Up to four single width modules can be plugged in to the TM504. (Modules sold separately). Each mainframe comes equipped with front panel switch, tilt bail, and a handle. The right hand compartment is a high-power compartment. Plug-ins sold separately. The TM 500-Series of plug-ins includes oscilloscopes, function generators, scope calibration equipment, DMM's, counters and power supplies. Also choose from pulse generators, operational amplifiers, bandpass filters, and current probe amplifiers. You may be able to fit every instrument you'll need into one small mainframe. Plug-ins sold separately. Option 02 = Rear Interface.
6 Instruments Mainframe industrial
The TM506 Modular Instrument Mainframe is a six slot mainframe designed to hold and provide power for the TM 500-Series of modular instruments. Up to six single width modules can be plugged in to the TM506. (Modules sold separately). Each mainframe comes equipped with front panel switch, tilt bail, and a handle. The right hand compartment is a high-power compartment. Plug-ins sold separately. Pictured above is option 10, the rack mount version. Benchtop version also available. The TM 500-Series of plug-ins includes oscilloscopes, function generators, scope calibration equipment, DMM's, counters and power supplies. Also choose from pulse generators, operational amplifiers, bandpass filters, and current probe amplifiers. You may be able to fit every instrument you'll need into one small mainframe. Plug-ins sold separately. Option 02 = Rear Interface.