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Fully Characterize Devices Matching Pairs for Class A/B Amplifiers industrial
The BK 162 Transistor/FET tester has the ability to fully characterize the devises. Large front panel meter gives clear indication of transistor or FET gain and leakage. Variable beta calibration level is provided along with a beta scale for matching transistors and FETs. Matching can be done NPN-NPN or NPN-PNP. Useful for selecting matched pairs for fine tuning class A/B output amplifiers. Likewise, N and P channel FETs can be Gm matched N-N and N-P. Functions Available FET- Gm Matching, Gm, GATE 1, GATE 2, IGSS, IDSS. TRANSISTOR- BETA Matching, BETA, ICBO, ICES, ICEO.
Silicon and Geranium Transistors Automatic NPN/PNP Identification industrial
Tests Silicon and Geranium Transistors. Signal and power transistors. This tester was designed to quickly automatically discover the type of device and the device pin configuration. Minimal amount of operator skill is required. Si/Ge and NPN/PNP identification is done automatically. Six position connection combination switch allows the technician to quickly scan every possible 3 wire combination for the proper Base Collector Emitter combination. Measures Collector - Emitter current with a selectable base drive current of 0.1uA or 1uA. Measures Leakage current while base and emitter are shorted. 
1mV to 1200V and 1µA to 2A 1ohm to 20Mohms industrial
The Fluke8600A Digital Multimeter has 4½ digit resolution featuring high accuracy (±0.02% basic dc accuracy) and full autoranging capability except for current. Measurement functions include AC Volts, DC Volts, AC Current, DC Current, and Resistance. DC & AC voltage ranges are 200 mV to 1200 V in 7 ranges. DC and AC current ranges are 200 µA, 2 mA, 20 mA, 200 mA and 2000 mA. Resistance ranges are 200 ohms, 2kohms, 20 kohms, 200 kohms, 2000 kohms, and 20 Mohms. DC Volts accuracy is ±(0.02% of input + 0.005% of range) for 2, 20, 200 V range; ±(0.02% + 0.008%) for 1200 V range; ±(0.04% + 0.01%) for 200 mV range. 
1mV to 1000 V 1ohm to 20Mohms industrial
The Fluke 8860A is a practical, precision benchtop DMM featuring 5 1/2-digit resolution and 0.01% basic dc accuracy. AC voltages may be ac-or dc-coupled using a front panel control, and are measured using True RMS circuits. Resistance can be measured to 20 megohms using two- or four-terminal techniques. All function pushbuttons and most others, have annunciator lights to make it easy at all times to know what functions and modes are active. Small, residual dc or resistance errors may be automatically subtracted out of these measurements using the ZERO pushbutton to store the error. Other basic math and memory functions allow you to do hi/lo limit testing, store an offset value to make differential measurements, and store the highest and lowest readings in a series of measurements. Using the NUM key stores readings for future use and the BNC connector in the rear allows remote triggering. The 8860A Digital Multimeter is a versatile meter with the following features: Basic benchtop DMM with 5 1/2-digit resolution. DC voltage ranges: 200 mV to 1000 V with.01% or better accuracy. AC voltage ranges: 200 mV to 700 V with .25% accuracy. Resistance ranges: 200 ohms to 20 Mohms with 0.01% accuracy except 20 Mohm range(0.1%). Small compact size. 
0.01pF to 200,000uF Overrange to one full Farrad industrial
Measures capacitance from 0.01pF to 200,000uF with 0.1% basic accuracy. Test time of 250msec (for single step). 4 1/2 digit LED display with decimal point and overrange indication. Overrange to one full Farrad. 
0.10 mVAC to 1000 VAC True RMS DC to 100 MHz industrial
The HP 3403C is a True - RMS Voltmeter, measuring DC and AC - voltages within the frequency range of DC to 100 MHz. Full range display: 10.00 mV to 1000 V. Six ranges. 3½ digit display. Ideally suited for measurements for modulated carriers and multiplex signals, noise- and other complex waveforms measurement. Full range display of 10 mV (AC only), 100 mV, 1 V, 10 V, 100 V, and 1000 V. Functions include: DC, AC, and AC + DC, 3 1/2-digit display. Frequency response from DC to 100MHz. Response times of 1 sec and 10 sec. 
10kHz to 1.2GHz Bandwidth -62 dBm to +23 dBm Power Measurements industrial
The HP 3406A Broadband Sampling RF Voltmeter has an extremely wide 10kHz to 1.2GHz bandwidth with high impedance. Signals as small as 50 µV can be resolved on the Voltmeter's linear scale. Full Scale sensitivity from 1 mV to 3 V is selected in eight 10 dB steps and may be read directly from -62 dBm to +23 dBm for power measurements. Expand your measuremt capablities with the 11071A Accessory Probe Kit (sold seperately) Full scale accuracy is within 3% over the greatest part of the band, and within 5 to 13% from 10kHz to 100kHz and 100MHz to 1.2GHz. Maximum input is ±100 V DC, 30 V peak to peak and meter response time is < 3 S. Other features include a DC recorder output, sample hold output for connection to oscilloscopes (>200 Kohms load with < 1000 pF output is 0.316 V full scale), and peak or true RMS voltmeters if other absolute average measurements are required.
10mV to 1200V, 10uA to 2A 1ohm to 20Mohms, True RMS 30Hz to 100KHz industrial
The HP 3438A Digital Multimeter The 3438A Digital Multimeter is a quality-built autoranging meter with 5 functions of AC and DC Voltage, AC and DC Current, and Resistance. It interfaces to the HP-IB providing both addressable and talk-only modes. Auto ranging 3 1/2 digit multi-meter with 5 functions of ACV, DCV, ACI, DCI, and 0hms. built in HPIB provides both addressable and talk-only modes.
0.1V to 1000V, 0.1 Kohm to 10 Mohms True RMS 30Hz to 1MHz industrial
The HP 3455A Digital Voltmeter is a microprocessor controlled, 5 1/2 or 6 1/2-digit voltmeter for bench or systems applications. HP-IB controllability is standard. The standard True RMS converter gives AC measurements from 30Hz to 1MHz and the math function provide computational capability. The scale mode allows the user to offset, take ratios, or scale readings to give readouts in physical units. The auto-cal feature checks the DC volts and ohms operating circuits against internal references and corrects them digitally The standard instrument measures DC volts (0.1 to 1000 V range with up to 1 µV sensitivity in five ranges), AC volts (1 to 1000 V range in four ranges) (ACV or FAST ACV), and resistance (2 W or 4 W: 0.1 kohm to 10 Mohms in six ranges). 
30V to 100nV full scale 30dBm or dBV to -150dBm or dBV 15Hz to 50kHz industrial
The HP 3581C Balanced inputs and a speaker monitor have been incorporated for operator convenience in the 3581C Selective Voltmeter. The unit covers the frequency range of 15Hz to 50kHz. The display is a 5-digit LED readout, with resolution of 1Hz and accuracy of ±3Hz. Typical stability is ±10Hz/hour, after 1 hour ±5 Hz/°C. Automatic frequency control (AFC) hold-in range is ±800Hz. Linear amplitude is 30 V to 100 nV full scale and Log is 30 dBm or dBV to -150 dBm or dBV. 50Hz to 50kHz scan width (adjustable), with sweep times of 0.1 S to 2000 S. Single or repetitive scan modes. 
1 mV to 300 V RMS 10Hz to 10MHz industrial
The 400EL AC Voltmeter is a versatile meter which can also be used as an AC/DC converter and a wide-band amplifier. This is a compact, solid-state unit with log voltage scales from 1 mV to 300 V in 12 ranges. Frequency response from 10Hz to 10MHz. The AC amplifier offers an output of 150 mV rms for full scale indication and the AC/DC converter provides an output of 1 VDC for full scale indication. For take-anywhere operation, external battery operation is also provided. 
100µV to 300V RMS 20Hz to 4MHz industrial
The HP 400FL AC Voltmeter is primarily intended as a dB Meter, however it can indicate both V and dB. The meter has a linear dB scale with a logarithmic AC scale below. The voltage range is 100 µV to 300 V full scale. Meter calibration responds to the absolute average value of the applied signal, calibrated in RMS Volts from 20Hz to 4MHz. The accuracy as a % of reading is ±4% (20 to 40Hz), ±2% (40 to 100Hz), ±1% (100Hz to 1MHz), ±2% (1 to 2MHz), ±4% (2 to 4MHz). Input impedance is 10 Mohms. The AC amplifier output is 1 V rms open circuit for full scale meter indication. 
Power -65dBm to +44dBm 100 kHz to 26.5 GHz industrial
The HP 435A is an analog power meter, compatible with the entire series of HP 8480 Power Sensors. (sold seperately). Power Sensors are available to measure power levels from -65 dBm to +44 dBm, full scale, at frequencies from 100 kHz to 26.5 GHz. The meter provides <1% uncertainty, low noise and drift, and auto-zero. 
Displays 4 digit "fingerprint" Comparative Testing to Known Good industrial
HP's patented Signature Analysis technique enables the HP 5005A to display a compressed, four digit "fingerprint" or signature of the digital data stream at a logic node. Any fault associated with a device connected through the node will force a change in the data stream and consequently produce an erroneous signature. 
1 mV to 100 V Range 80 dB Single Channel industrial
The HP 7562A Log Converter is an 80 dB single channel log unit with both AC and DC modes. 1 mV to 100 V range. operates directly with X-Y, strip chart recorders and oscilloscopes. 
10mV to 1000V, 0.1 KΩ to 20 MΩ 10mA to 2A, True RMS DC to 100KHz industrial
The Keithley Instruments 179 Digital Multimeter has 4½ digit resolution featuring high accuracy (±0.02% basic dc accuracy) and full autoranging capability except for current. Measurement functions include AC Volts, DC Volts, AC Current, DC Current, and Resistance. DC & AC voltage ranges are 200 mV to 1000 V in 5 ranges. DC and AC current ranges are 200 µA, 2 mA, 20 mA, 200 mA and 2000 mA. Resistance ranges are 2KΩ, 20KΩ, 200KΩ, 2000Ω, and 20MΩ. DC Volts accuracy is ±(0.02% of input + 0.005% of range) for 2, 20, 200 V range; ±(0.02% + 0.008%) for 1000 V range; ±(0.04% + 0.01%) for 200 mV range. Measure the True RMS voltage of any waveform. DC-100kHz.
100Ω to 10^14Ω, 10^-14 A to 10A 1mV to 100V, 10^-5 to 10^13 Coulombs industrial
This Electrometer is an extremely sensitive meter. Typically used in particle physics laboratories for very low level energy measurements when dealing with electron volt levels energy. Measurements can be made in Volts, Ohms, Amperes, and Coulombs. (1Coulomb = 1Amp * 1second). The amount of amperes of current provided over one second time period. Typical unit of measure used to represent charge quantity. Full Scale Inputs. Ohms 100Ω to 10^14Ω (100 TerraΩ) over 88 ranges. Amp 10A to 10^-14A (10 femto-A) over 121 ranges. Coulombs 10^-5 to 10^13 (10 picoC) over 44 ranges. Volts 1mV to 100V over 11 ranges.
Auto ranging A/C, DC, Ohms, Diode Math Functions, dB Calculation industrial
The DM5010 Programmable digital multimeter is a 41/2-digit autoranging Feature packed fully programmable digital multimeter. Double wide plug in module for the 5000-series mainframes. Full set of math functions with easy to use numeric keypad. Also programmable via GPIB. 41/2-Digits. Auto ranging DC Volts, Ohms, True RMS (ac or ac+dc). Diode Test. Comprehensive Math Functions. dB Calculations. Averaging Offset Scaling Hi/Low/Pass. IEEE-488.