Test Electronics stocks a large resource of used and reconditioned name brand precision measuring equipment familiar to calibration labs worldwide which can fill a large variety of test applications. Test Electronics can in some situations offer significant cost savings on initial costs and maintenance of your test system by developing your test fixture electronics with trusted name brand used test equipment. Name brand used equipment is low cost and easily calibrated and maintained by your favorite calibration facility. Ask our applications engineers about supporting your test fixture electronics with name brand used equipment. Significant discount will be applied when purchased with a Test Electronics Bed of Nails Test Fixture or Test Equipment.WaveTek 114- Signal / Sweep Generator / Trigger VCG
0.001Hz to 10MHz Sine, triangle, square and pulse Output Pwr dBm. -60 to 0 into 50Ω industrial
Signal Generator. Sine, triangle, square and pulse. DC offset and VCG inputs available. Sync output. and standard output into 50ohms. Frequency Hz. .001 to 10MHz. Output Pwr dBm. -60 to 0 WaveTek 142- HF VCG Signal Generator
0.001Hz to 10MHz Sine, triangle, square and pulse Output Pwr dBm. -60 to 0 into 50Ω industrial
Signal Generator. Sine, triangle, square and pulse. DC offset and VCG inputs available. Sync output. and standard output into 50ohms. Frequency Hz. .001 to 10MHz. Output Pwr dBm. -60 to 0.WaveTek Datron 4705- AutoCAL Multifunction Calibrator
1Hz to 1MHz, Volts 1uV to 1KVolts 1uA to 2A, Ohms 10Ω to 100MΩ industrial
Multifunction Calibrator for calibrating a wide variety of signal measuring equipment such as frequency counters, oscilloscopes, and voltmeters. Accuracy: 10^-9% across all ranges. Frequency output in 5 ranges from 1Hz to 1MHz. Ohms 10Ω to 100MΩ in 8 ranges. Amps 1uA to 2A in 8 ranges in AC and DC. Volts 1uV to 1000Volts in 8 ranges in AC and DC.