The S-4 Sampling Head is a 25ps risetime unit. DC to 14GHz, 50 ohm input impedance. Variable DC Offset allows signals between +1 V and -1 V limits to be displayed at 2 mV/div. Displayed noise is < 5 mV unsmoothed, 2.5 mV smoothed. Bandwidth: DC-14Ghz. Risetime: 25ps. Displayed Noise: <5mV. Signal Range: +1Vto-1V. Input: Z=50ohm, Vmax=+/-5V. Input Connector: SMA (3mm).
The 067-0572-01 Normalizer Head is a calibration fixture that is designed for use with vertical sampling plug-in units that utilize sampling heads.Tektronix 7633- Storage Oscilloscope Mainframe
100MHz / 1GHz 10 mV/div industrial
The 7633 Storage Oscilloscope Mainframe provides a 100MHz, three compartment mainframe for the wide range of Tektronix 7000-Series plug-ins. The instrument has three display modes and four storage modes. The maximum writing speed of 1000cm/us is achieved in reduced scan mode. (Plug-ins shown above sold separately.) Sensitivities to 10 mV/div are available at 100MHz while 1GHz bandwidths can be achieved using the 7A21N direct plug-in. Sweep speeds up to 500 ps/div are available using the appropriate time base plug-ins. Using the P6201 FET probe, a high impedance with 900MHz bandwidth is possible. Tektronix 7S11- 14GHz Sampling Unit
14GHz 2mV to 200mV/div industrial
The 7S11 Sampling Unit uses plug in heads ranging in bandwidth to 14GHz. The 7S11 is a single-channel vertical module using the sampling plug-in head concept for 7000-Series sampling oscilloscope systems. The 7S11 can be used in a variety of configurations. Use with a 7T11A sampling timebase module for one channel, Use two 7S11's with one 7T11A for dual channel sampling. Use two 7S11's together (without a 7T11A) for X-Y operation. 2 to 200mV/div Calibrated Deflection Factors. Delay Range: A 10 ns delay range is available for comparing two signals in a dual channel combination. Vertical Signal Out: 200 mV per displayed division within ±3%. (source is 10Kohms). DC Offset Range: +1 to -1 VDC. Bandwidth and Input Z: Determined by the S-Series sampling head.Tektronix S-4- Sampling Head
DC to 14GHz +1.0V to -1.0V industrial
The S-4 Sampling Head is a 25ps risetime unit. DC to 14GHz, 50 ohm input impedance. Variable DC Offset allows signals between +1 V and -1 V limits to be displayed at 2 mV/div. Displayed noise is < 5 mV unsmoothed, 2.5 mV smoothed. Bandwidth: DC-14Ghz. Risetime: 25ps. Displayed Noise: <5mV. Signal Range: +1Vto-1V. Input: Z=50ohm, Vmax=+/-5V. Input Connector: SMA (3mm).Tektronix S-51- Trigger Countdown Head
Trigger Signal 25 picosecond Risetime 200 mV trigger output into 50ohms industrial
The S-51 Trigger Countdown Head is a high-speed, tunnel-diode trigger generator. The S-51 generates a trigger output from an input waveform. Trigger output allows operation with sequential sampling systems. 25 ps pulse risetime. 200 mV trigger output into 50ohms. Variable Sync. Input SMA 5Vpp max. Output BSM.